lunes, 23 de octubre de 2023

Free topic

Well this blog have the topic free so i decided talk to a video game have me engage with his history and characters (even if just was make for inflate the companys pockets of money) that game is "Genshin Impact"

This game firstly don't care me even if was in trend i think the game was not going to last long and would pass without pain or glory just to be very similar to another game in that time, it's a free world game, with a team for 4 characters, have a loot of exploration and a loot of enemy's and bosses.
Have seven Nations with seven gods but in every Nation have a trouble and you need to solve because you need to talk with that Divinities to know how to find your sister (or brother if you pick the other character) to the moment in the game have 5 nations because it's in progress every year they bring out a new one.

You can play with almost any characters because have many npc just for to missions or to fill the citys and any god and nation represent a element with different reference to cultures like Germany, Japanese, Chinese, etc.
In the gameplay all the elements have a different reaction to others and you need to make a team to combine and improve the damage.

It's a very good game but also have his bad things  first the game have a gacha system, that mean, to have your favorite character have a very little chance to get them or can insured in your 90 try, also the characters not always are available to get them they have a banner and the duration its aprox to 3 weeks and if the banners gone you need to wait for get the chance to get that character again.
But even with that have a very interesting history and it's for that's that i playing.

domingo, 15 de octubre de 2023

Travel to the past or future

 In this ocassion i gonna tell you about what line of time I would like to travel, in a normal situation I always prefer travel to the past just for try to solve all my past problems because I think thats whats the only way to be happy, always thinking that if I had done one thing different I could stay in a place better than where I am now, but meanwhile the time passed, I change my thinking, and start to think with the idea if i never live that experience i will never become in the person who I am now, every little thong that happen in my childhood and adolescence, form part of me even if was a little part. only for that reason if i travel the past i dont change anything, In the case I need to choice one I pick up the option to travel to the future its something I always want to know, the future can be a very interesting just to know if we can save the plantet or not and we make a mess and we fall to the totally destruction, but to that happen i think can be in one hundread year minimum even in any case I prefer not stay i know maybe in the future they can have a better life ,but it is a life? I say that because if you are in a place unkonw for you with any knowladge about where am i or what happen, that gonna be very information to process and i think any kind of people can accept all thing that happen when you actually was, thats all i thing about this theme.

domingo, 1 de octubre de 2023

My dream job

 Honestly in my childhood I always wanna be veterinarian just for take care and health all the animals as possible,  then my father and my stepmother gift me a toy was a lego set so since that day I wanted to be an architect, i think in the future de architect wanna just build things to minimize the space always trying to respect the nature arriving at a combination, to do that work you need be creative and realize the best way to create the build, the salary depends on what you do in this idea I think that per job it would be 1 million, I'm currently studying architecture and I would love work creating parks and spaces related to the nature, because i think at the moment the nature isn't relevant in the cities the put it only for have a green area but they don't respect the geography or the forest in santiago the most interes “park” using good the nature is the hill San Cristobal have many trees and dont disturb the geography and use it in his favor the bad thing here is the of introduced species for all the water they consume and all the problems with minerals and the forest fires, and this is a problem we can solve it with the time.

Free topic

Well this blog have the topic free so i decided talk to a video game have me engage with his history and characters (even if just was make f...