domingo, 15 de octubre de 2023

Travel to the past or future

 In this ocassion i gonna tell you about what line of time I would like to travel, in a normal situation I always prefer travel to the past just for try to solve all my past problems because I think thats whats the only way to be happy, always thinking that if I had done one thing different I could stay in a place better than where I am now, but meanwhile the time passed, I change my thinking, and start to think with the idea if i never live that experience i will never become in the person who I am now, every little thong that happen in my childhood and adolescence, form part of me even if was a little part. only for that reason if i travel the past i dont change anything, In the case I need to choice one I pick up the option to travel to the future its something I always want to know, the future can be a very interesting just to know if we can save the plantet or not and we make a mess and we fall to the totally destruction, but to that happen i think can be in one hundread year minimum even in any case I prefer not stay i know maybe in the future they can have a better life ,but it is a life? I say that because if you are in a place unkonw for you with any knowladge about where am i or what happen, that gonna be very information to process and i think any kind of people can accept all thing that happen when you actually was, thats all i thing about this theme.

2 comentarios:

  1. I totally agree with, I used to think that travelling to the past would be the best way to live but it doesnt, Youre who you are because of your old decisions!!

  2. I agree that every little thing we do makes us what we are now, it makes me think a lot about the butterfly effect.


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