domingo, 24 de septiembre de 2023

My Best Holydays ever

Hi everyone.

I remember when i had between nine and ten years old my mother, her couple, his son and me, we planned a travel to Argentina for 1 week almost in christmas holidays, we wake up to the three or four am, we went in car, was a road trip all the time, after pass eight six hours in the car we reached to the boundary and all are sunken in snow i can´t remember exactly but it was almost two or three meter of snow, maybe i exaggeerating a bit but all this was when i was a child and that means all in that moment i see it with different eyes, we continue the road for a kind of desert was rocky and without vegetation and after two hours we arrive to Bariloche was a pretty place, we rent a cabin and next explore the city, almost all the shops are chocolates, and they use de dollar as their main currency, and of course we taste a some of candy, was very delicious because Bariloche is known as "The chocolate city", when we go to lunch i taste for first time the milanesa which is fried meat, i have to say its not very impressive but i like it anyway, the style of the city are like medieval for me because almost all the buildings are made of stone and wood, but that are awesome because ,i remember they don´t use the concrete and was very nice see new materials in the constructions, finally one day before we go, in the city start to snow, and was i magical moment for me, see all the city white while are falling this snowflakes, a very lovely experience. 

3 comentarios:

  1. You can tell that your experience in Bariloche was very nice and magical :3, I hope to be able to go too at some point in my life!!

  2. Omgg, that seems like christmas in america, I can imagine how happy you felt with all that things around you, snow in Chile isn't coomon at Santiago.

  3. bariloche is really beautiful and its chocolates are too rich! what a nice experience that you were able to see how it snowed on that beautiful date!


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