jueves, 6 de abril de 2023

Hobby not Hobbit

 Saying hi again.

How are everyone? i'm fine if you're asking, i'm here to talk about my hobby, not the movie just in case, well usually in my free time i like to play video-games it's lots of fun.

I'm started like when i have ten years in my phone with "Pokemon Red" in that moment i was enchanted because have another world full of fantasy in mi phone, after i meet the games computer and i like so much the game of  "Plants vs Zombies" i like it think in a diferent strategys for defeat the zombies, and when started to play "Minecraft" i think was a very good game making your own house with out limits just your creative, i knew in that moment i love it all games about construction or associated with use your imagination.

In the present i'm still playing "Minecraft" and other games about construction in my computer and my cell phone, i always play at least one game on day, i like play video-games because its another world where i can do things normaly i can´t do it, or just its a inmersive world where you can escape from your reality for a time.

Thats it's my hobby not very interesting but i like to do it, have a nice day and good bay.

8 comentarios:

  1. Do you like engagement games? Because I know some tgat might interest you.

  2. I think the only video game I played more than 10 times was Space Invaders in 1978 lol.

  3. is very epic, and the minecraft is the best game in the world

  4. woow, il like plants vs zombies, the best video game ever

  5. The only game I was hooked on for years was plants vs zombies.

    What game other than the ones you mentioned do you recommend?

  6. I´m not a gamer but I know Pokemon:)

  7. I think that if it's an interesting hobby, I think it takes a lot of practice and dedication to be good at it. I'm really lousy, I would like to know more about the world of video games


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