jueves, 13 de abril de 2023


 Hello evereyone 

Today i gonna talk to you about photos, honestly i am not very good to take photos usually i prefer enjoy the occasion but i like it take photos relationated with the nature, these places relax me always its like a forest or lakes and i try to explore all de zone is very intereting know the place where are you and always you found pretty plants or hear animals, and n many times you can hear the current of water in the rivers or waterfall, when i found that kind of place i stay quiet and close my eyes just stay in that ubication for feel all the nature around me. I think it´s very magical try out because its no very common live thes moments in the city always are noise or lights very bright to enjoy the moment.

In my case i try to camp with my grandma and his couple one time in year always is in january or february, we go to a forest, river or lake to stay and survive for five days or less, and when it´s night we make a campfire to roast marshmallow, the next days we go to explore or to the lake/river, and i remember when we are come back to the camp we see a goat drinking a bowl with punch that was a very funny memorie.

it´s all for today i cant´remember more becuase i don´t have more images for refresh my memorie but if i found more i gonna talk to you about it, good bye.

jueves, 6 de abril de 2023

Hobby not Hobbit

 Saying hi again.

How are everyone? i'm fine if you're asking, i'm here to talk about my hobby, not the movie just in case, well usually in my free time i like to play video-games it's lots of fun.

I'm started like when i have ten years in my phone with "Pokemon Red" in that moment i was enchanted because have another world full of fantasy in mi phone, after i meet the games computer and i like so much the game of  "Plants vs Zombies" i like it think in a diferent strategys for defeat the zombies, and when started to play "Minecraft" i think was a very good game making your own house with out limits just your creative, i knew in that moment i love it all games about construction or associated with use your imagination.

In the present i'm still playing "Minecraft" and other games about construction in my computer and my cell phone, i always play at least one game on day, i like play video-games because its another world where i can do things normaly i can´t do it, or just its a inmersive world where you can escape from your reality for a time.

Thats it's my hobby not very interesting but i like to do it, have a nice day and good bay.

Free topic

Well this blog have the topic free so i decided talk to a video game have me engage with his history and characters (even if just was make f...