jueves, 13 de abril de 2023


 Hello evereyone 

Today i gonna talk to you about photos, honestly i am not very good to take photos usually i prefer enjoy the occasion but i like it take photos relationated with the nature, these places relax me always its like a forest or lakes and i try to explore all de zone is very intereting know the place where are you and always you found pretty plants or hear animals, and n many times you can hear the current of water in the rivers or waterfall, when i found that kind of place i stay quiet and close my eyes just stay in that ubication for feel all the nature around me. I think it´s very magical try out because its no very common live thes moments in the city always are noise or lights very bright to enjoy the moment.

In my case i try to camp with my grandma and his couple one time in year always is in january or february, we go to a forest, river or lake to stay and survive for five days or less, and when it´s night we make a campfire to roast marshmallow, the next days we go to explore or to the lake/river, and i remember when we are come back to the camp we see a goat drinking a bowl with punch that was a very funny memorie.

it´s all for today i cant´remember more becuase i don´t have more images for refresh my memorie but if i found more i gonna talk to you about it, good bye.

3 comentarios:

  1. it's beautiful place, i like so much the quiet river :)

  2. How beautiful, when I go to places like this I end up with almost a thousand photos on my cell phone, so now I leave it at the bottom of my backpack.


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