jueves, 6 de julio de 2023

Blog Experience

 Hello to all of you in this occasion i´m going to tell you how was my experience writing in this blog.

To start i´ll be honest my first impression with the website was not very good, because to create the profile was confusing even i need to create to accaount to know how work the site, also to write or add people in the blog wasn´t intuitive but after you know that its very easy use the web page, i enjoyed write many blogs but one of them in specifically was the blog about the tv shows because was nice remember all the good moments watched that cartoons, its very different with the blog about Photograph just because i dont like take pictures i try to enjoy the moment, when the teacher write in his blog about the hobby i never thought the teacher recording music, i think writibg all this blog you can improve your english with new vocabulary or to write thing more complicated than the usually things, also i need to say without the corerction about the blogs i dont know if i doing right it´s a little thing but for the rest it useful expand your knowledge even its enjoyable write things you like it and read whats thing like to others.

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