miércoles, 21 de junio de 2023

BBC Learning English

Hi everyone today evaluating this site https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/  in his different sections 
i´m gonna star with:

Courses: I try the medium level in General English 1 - Session 1 "Do you need a hyphen?"

The activity was a video explaining if you need a hyphen or not and after you can do a test about that selecting a phrase with or without the hyphen to be honest was very useful because the video its very clear and easy to undesrtand, the test help us to apply it in a simple way without confusion.

Grammar: I use the medium level in 6 minute grammar - Session 2 "Zero and first conditionals"

In this case its just a video and explain all the class and don´t use any test to reforce the class but in the video use many examples to make clear the lesson.

Pronunciation: In Medium level, Tim´s Pronunciation workshop: Summary

Easy to learn and attrative to anyone catch your attention in all video meanwhile you are learning about how to pronounce the words as well its very cleary with thow pronounce the separate space between the words.

Vocabulary: In medium level Unit 3- Session 1 "Common ways to use ¨present¨"

Was very short but effective to explain all the content in the activity just reassert the class in a very short test easy to do for anyone.

News: News review- Session 1 "Warmes January day ever"

In news are activitys shorts about the world its useful for a normal convesation and takes no more than eight minutes.

More: Quizzes- Session 4 "Expressing preference"

In this section its more free to choice and dont need to do test before, also the learning its very fast doing the quizzes and funnier than just see the videos.


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