jueves, 22 de junio de 2023

Special pL

Hi in this ocation i´m gonna write about my favourite place.

When i arrive to Santiago i was interested in knowing all the places because my city it´s very small (and don´t have any things to do) compared with the capital, but i´ll be honest i don´t like just a place (for now), an examples are the parks, being able to go being surrounded by nature and vegetation reassures me and if there are animals it is much better, another option it´s the comercial areas there are a lot of new shops to visit with international food or clothes in a very cheap price, i like to visit the shops with my best friend we always see clothes or go to the café and sit to talk about anything, usually when we met try to taste new things or go to new places, if i have to talk about a specific place i say the costanera its a huge mall with many shops to do window shopping or if you need eat are many options i think its a place to have a good time even just looking, in sometimes have mini games or music in live, pymes as well, it is an all in one.

miércoles, 21 de junio de 2023


 My best friend Claudia its someone who im going to talk now, we meet in the high school i don´t remember exactly when but i know was in the Language classroom in a English class with my French teacher (she knew both languages, only in that time she covered a partner) in the class the teacher the teacher ask whats serie watch in the class "Adventure Time" and "Steven Universe" in my case i choice very excited "Steven Universe" with my new future best friend, we were the only ones to choose the second, after the class we star to talk and share classes togheter so eventually we become friends and we discovered that we both liked to dance, she liked dance K-Pop and me liked Just dance, after the classes we danceed together in the boarding school or we play videogames in the computers, in the fridays we got to our homes, and many times she invited me to stay in her house because mine was very far and my mom pick me up at the house of my friend of course all this years we still talking even we are here in Santiago for the university and sometimes we go out to coffee shops or events about anime or video games the last one was one week ago and we are thinking go out the next month to a event in Providencia.

Family meal

 Hello im going to write about one of my family meals. One of those, i remember was when i have 15 or 16 years old all my mother family come to my house in the middle of nothing (it´s in a road to Portezuelo) my family usually use my house because its very big and we don´t have neighbors close so we can hear music with all volume without disturbing anyone even we build a place to do the partys because in the house the music are too loud and we can´t sleep, for the dinner we put tables to the long in the kitchen usually my aunt, grandma, mother and my godmother do the feast for all and my uncles, stepfather do the roast my cousins play in the trampoline with my little sister or run around the house in the field in sometime play football in my case i don´t like the noise and stay in my room playing with my friends in other cases i help in the kitchen cut some vegetables or set the table, after the dinner we go to the build for the partys and dance and drink alcohol and thats all its typical how my family celebrate the festival.

BBC Learning English

Hi everyone today evaluating this site https://www.bbc.co.uk/learningenglish/  in his different sections 
i´m gonna star with:

Courses: I try the medium level in General English 1 - Session 1 "Do you need a hyphen?"

The activity was a video explaining if you need a hyphen or not and after you can do a test about that selecting a phrase with or without the hyphen to be honest was very useful because the video its very clear and easy to undesrtand, the test help us to apply it in a simple way without confusion.

Grammar: I use the medium level in 6 minute grammar - Session 2 "Zero and first conditionals"

In this case its just a video and explain all the class and don´t use any test to reforce the class but in the video use many examples to make clear the lesson.

Pronunciation: In Medium level, Tim´s Pronunciation workshop: Summary

Easy to learn and attrative to anyone catch your attention in all video meanwhile you are learning about how to pronounce the words as well its very cleary with thow pronounce the separate space between the words.

Vocabulary: In medium level Unit 3- Session 1 "Common ways to use ¨present¨"

Was very short but effective to explain all the content in the activity just reassert the class in a very short test easy to do for anyone.

News: News review- Session 1 "Warmes January day ever"

In news are activitys shorts about the world its useful for a normal convesation and takes no more than eight minutes.

More: Quizzes- Session 4 "Expressing preference"

In this section its more free to choice and dont need to do test before, also the learning its very fast doing the quizzes and funnier than just see the videos.


lunes, 12 de junio de 2023

My last weekend

In this month i gonna talk to you about my last weekend was very quiet without all the jobs from the university, usually i wake up the saturdays and cook my lunch after clean my dishes and the last one clean the apartment all this with music of course to bring some happiness to the apartment, when i´m finally do all that i eat about 2pm when i finish eating i go out to buy groceries for the house luckily it doesn't take me more than 30 minutes because of the unimarc that is very close from my building after all that i keep what I buy to be able to see if i have any pending tasks and if so i do it during the day in this cas only get together with friends through a call to be able to play with them and enjoy the rest of the day.

Free topic

Well this blog have the topic free so i decided talk to a video game have me engage with his history and characters (even if just was make f...